Digital Transformation
Policy areas:
- Impact and potential of digital transformation on healthcare services and systems
- A digital-led global recovery from COVID-19
- Digital education/training to bridge the urban-rural divide, gender and age gap
- Impact of new digital technologies and AI on employment and workplaces
- Cyber security risks, threats, and data privacy
- Global governance framework for data flows and AI
- Aims and tools of competition policy in the digital economy
- Private-public cooperation to strengthen digital infrastructures
- Impact of digitalization on global value chains and services
Lead Co-Chair:
TF4 Policy Briefs – Digital Transformation
Tito Boeri
Tito Boeri is Full Professor of economics at Bocconi University. He was Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics, where he is currently Senior Visiting Professor. After obtaining his Ph.D. in economics from New York University, he was Senior Economist at the OECD from 1987 to 1996. He was also Consultant to the IMF, the World Bank, The European Commission, the ILO, and the Italian Government. From 2015 to 2019, he was President of the Italian Social Security administration. He is Scientific Advisor of the Ing. Rodolfo Debenedetti Foundation and he is Research Fellow at CEPR, CEP-LSE, IZA, Netspar and Igier-Bocconi. He is the Founder of the economic policy watchdog website www.lavoce.info, in the editorial board of www.voxeu.org, and the Scientific Director of the Festival of Economics in Trento.
Maria Chiara Carrozza
MoS degree in physics from University of Pisa in 1990, and Ph.D. in engineering at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy in 1994. She is Full Professor of industrial bioengineering at The BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. She has been Rector of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna from 2007 to 2013, Member of the Italian Parliament from 2013 to 2018, and Minister of Education, University and Research of Italian Republic from 2013 to 2014. From 2018 to 2021, she has been the Scientific Director of Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation in Milan, Italy, a network of research hospitals dedicated to rehabilitation medicine. Since 2015 she serves in the Board of Directors of the Piaggio SpA. She is Founding Partner of IUVO Srl, a start-up active in the field of wearable robotics. She is President of Italian Scientific Association of Biomedical Engineers. Since last April, she is President of the Italian National Research Council (CNR).
Enrico Giovannini
Enrico Giovannini is Full Professor of Economic statistics and sustainable development at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, of sustainable development at LUISS and at the National School of Administration (SNA). He is the Co-Founder and Director of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, a coalition of more than 240 organisations established to implement in Italy the UN 2030 Agenda 2030. He was Director of Statistics and Chief Statistician of the OECD (2001-2009), President of the Italian Statistical Institute (2009-2013) and Minister of Labour and Social Policies (2013-2014). In October 2014, the President of the Italian Republic made him “Cavaliere di Gran Croce al Merito della Repubblica”, the highest ranking honour of the Italian Republic. He is the author of more than 100 articles and six books on statistical and economic topics.
Paolo Magri
Paolo Magri is Executive Vice President of the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) and Professor of international relations at Bocconi University. He is member of the Strategic Committee of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, member of the Europe Policy Group of the World Economic Forum (Davos) and member of the Board of Directors of the Italy-China Foundation. He is also member of the Scientific Committees of the Elcano Royal Institute, the Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU) and of the Military Centerfor Strategic Studies (Ce.Mi.S.S.). He is a regular speaker, writer and commentator to diverse media outlet on global issues, US foreign policy, Iran and Middle East. Previously, he served as Programme Director to the UN Secretariat in New York and, up to 2005, as Director of International Affairs at Bocconi University in Milan.
Franco Bruni
Franco Bruni is ISPI Vice President and Co-Head, Centre on Europe and Global Governance. He is Professor Emeritus in the department of economics of Bocconi University. Italian member of the European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee, he has co-chaired the task force International Financial Architecture in the T20 since 2018. He has been Vice President and President of the Société Européenne de Recherches Financières. Holds degrees from Bocconi and MIT. He has been Visiting Professor in several international universities, including NYU, Fudan and, Getulio Vargas. He authored many publications in the fields of macroeconomics, European economics, international banking and finance. He has been an independent member of the Board of Saipem(1998-2005), Unicredit Banca Mobiliare (2000-2007), Pirelli (2005-2014), Mediaset (2015-18).
Dennis Görlich
Dennis Görlich is Senior Researcher at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and Research Director of the Global Solutions Initiative Foundation, Berlin. He was co-chair of the T20 Task Force on the Digital Transformation since 2017. His research interests include global governance with a special focus on the G20, and the impact of globalization and technological transformations on labour markets and organizations. Dennis holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Kiel, Germany, and a Master in Economics from Maastricht University, Netherlands.
Pencho Kuzev
Pencho Kuzev is Policy Advisor at the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Berlin. He holds a PhD in Antitrust, Regulatory and European law. Prior to joining the Foundation, he worked for the Deutsche Telekom AG in Bonn in the field of Governmental Affairs and Competition Policy, as well as in attorneys’ offices in Hamburg. As a Member of the Department Economy and Innovation at the Adenauer-Foundation, his particular focus is on data economy and the competitive framework in the European Digital Single Market.
Robert Fay
Robert (Bob) Fay is the managing director of digital economy at CIGI. The research under his direction assesses and provides policy recommendations for the complex global governance issues arising from digital technologies. He brings to this position extensive experience in macro- and micro-economic research and policy analysis. He is also a member of the 2020–2021 Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) Ad Hoc Strategic Advisory Committee, providing feedback on the priorities the IPC will focus on over the next five years. Prior to joining CIGI, Bob held several senior roles at the Bank of Canada (BoC), most recently as senior director overseeing work to assess developments and implications arising from the digitization of the Canadian economy. As deputy director of the International Department at the BoC, he assessed global economic developments and their implications for Canada and investigated a wide variety of issues, including those related to the international monetary system and global financial architecture. He has also led the BoC’s Canadian short-term forecasting team and set up and led its first research division related to structural analysis, focusing on labour markets, productivity and exchange rate analysis. Bob was also special assistant to BoC Governor Mark Carney, serving as the governor’s chief of staff. Prior to joining the BoC, Bob was an economist at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and worked on a range of economic and labour market issues.
Erica Borghard
Dr. Erica D. Borghard is a senior fellow in the Technology and International Affairs Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Erica also continues to serve as a senior director on the U.S. Cyberspace Solarium Commission, a Congressional commission established to develop a comprehensive national strategy to defend the United States in cyberspace.
Prior to that, Erica was a senior fellow with the New American Engagement Initiative at the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security in the Atlantic Council. Previously, Erica was an assistant professor in the Army Cyber Institute at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Erica was also a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow, with placement at JPMorgan Chase and U.S. Cyber Command. Before that position, Erica served as an assistant professor and executive director of the Rupert H. Johnson Grand Strategy Program in the Department of Social Sciences at West Point.
Erica holds a PhD in political science from Columbia University. She is a term member at the Council on Foreign Relations and an adjunct research fellow at the Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies at Columbia University. Erica also serves on the board of directors of the Cyber Conflict Studies Association and is a member of the New York Cyber Task Force.
Oreste Pollicino
Oreste Pollicino is a full professor of Constitutional Law at Bocconi University in Milan,
He is the Director of the Bocconi LLM of Law in Internet Technologies; he is member of the Executive Board of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights and he represents Italy in the OECD Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence.
He has also been a visiting professor at Oxford University and other Universities in Budapest (CEU), Haifa, and Fribourg (Switzerland). Oreste is one of the most authoritative voices in the field of internet and media. His last book: “Judicial Protection of Fundamental Rights” with a Foreword by Robert Spano, President of the European Court of Human Rights is forthcoming (Hart Publishing, Oxford) in Spring 2021.
Syed Munir Khasru
Prof. Syed Munir Khasru is an MBA from the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, US and heads the Institute for Policy, Advocacy, & Governance (IPAG) which is one of the world’s fastest growing international think tanks with presence in South Asia (Dhaka & Delhi), Asia Pacific (Melbourne), Europe (Vienna), and Middle East (Dubai). He is a Global Expert of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and a Member of SDG’s Global Councils by the UN, World Bank, & OECD and Energy Leaders’ Forum of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Internationally, Prof. Khasru writes for Project Syndicate, World Economic Forum and Asia’s leading international media outlets including Straits Times (Singapore), South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), Nikkei Asian Review (Japan) and in India it is Hindu & Times of India. BBC World Services interviews him for expert’s comments & opinions.
Paul Grainger
Paul Grainger had a long career in TVET, becoming Principal of a College in Liverpool before moving to UCL in 2006. He became Co-Director of the Centre for Education and Work, and Enterprise Lead for Education, Practice and Society. Paul retired from this position in September 2020 but continues at UCL in an honorary role. He leads research into strategic planning, management, and governance development within the TVET sector. At present he is looking at successful, and inclusive, regional skills systems, patterns of entry in to work, and the importance of skills strategies for regional regeneration. He examines the significance of ‘sticky places’ in developing high skill systems, and the potential impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on entrepreneurial activity. With the G20 he is examining the likely effect of COVID 19 on our economic future, and the potential of a new social contract for recovery. Paul has been a member of the G20 Task Force on the Future of Work and Education for the Digital age since 2018 and more recently Co-Chair of the T20 Task Force 6 on Economy, Employment and Education for and the Digital Age.
Alberto Guidi
Alberto Guidi is an ISPI Research Assistant at the Centre on Business Scenarios. He is the ISPI coordinator for the Task Force on “digital transformation” at the Think 20. He obtained a Bachelor degree in Economics from the University of Milano Bicocca, a Master in Political Economy of Europe from LSE and a Master in Specialized Economic Analysis from the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. Additionally, he holds a postgraduate journalism diploma at the London School of Journalism. He is a researcher and journalist, regularly writing for Il Sole 24 Ore. Before joining ISPI he worked as a research fellow in Geoeconomics at the Jacques Delors Institute and Ce.S.I.