TF7 – Infrastructure Investment and Financing
Resilient cities require modern infrastructure that can withstand the challenges of a growing population and environmental threats. The community of interest that focuses on building resilient infrastructure utilises classic risk assessment techniques that concentrate on what can go wrong in a city’s infrastructure and then determine where to reduce risk. While traditional risk assessments can provide insights to policy makers on where to allocate investments, the novel approach of a “Success Path” can help policy makers frame the discussion of infrastructure investments from a different vantage point. Argonne National Laboratory has developed the Success Path methodology to understand, analyse and manage operational risk. The methodology challenges stakeholders to envision future cities, starting with the question “What must go right?” The Success Path approach seeks to take the concept of resilient cities to develop avenues for stakeholders to meet their vision for the city. While the Success Path approach typically focuses on critical lifeline infrastructure, this paper introduces the concept of social infrastructure, such as public parks, public libraries and cultural areas, which provide space to build social connections and build social resiliency.
Adam C. Bouloukos
United Nations Development Programme
Erna Gevondyan and John Hummel
Argonne National Laboratory
Sara Lechtenberg-Kasten
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)