TF7 Infrastructure Investment and Financing


Improving maintenance management and increasing investment in infrastructure maintenance makes it possible to boost the resilience of infrastructure against a variety of threats. This has a positive financial return for developed as well as developing countries. Building on the issues outlined in two seminal T20 Policy Briefs Building Resilient Infrastructure Systems (ABDI, 2020) and Evaluating Resilient Infrastructure Systems (Evans et al., 2020), this Policy Brief: (i) advocates for a global maintenance framework addressing the specificities of developed and developing countries, (ii) calls for the development of infrastructure bonds and standardised ratings that include maintenance issues, capable of securing financial resources for maintenance and (iii) draws G20 members’ attention to the issue of human resilience and the human factor to ensure the long-term maintainability of Quality Infrastructure.


Caroline Evans
PIARC Technical Committee 1.4 Climate Change and Resilience of Road Networks

Alin Halimatussadiah
The Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia

Jean-Bernard Kovarik
Université Gustave Eiffel

Juan Fernando Mendoza Sánchez
Mexican Institute of Transportation

Fabien Palhol

Fabio Pasquali
ANAS – Italian State Road Agency

Teuku Riefky
The Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia

Yusuf Sofiyandi Simbolon
The Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics Business, Universitas Indonesia

Monica Starnes
Transportation Research Board (TRB) Ibnu Syabri Urban and Regional Infrastructure Research Group ITB

Teguh Yudho Wicaksono
Mandiri Institute

Fauziah Zen