On 23 June Tito Boeri, Lead Co-Chair of T20 Task Force 6 on Social Cohesion and the Future of Welfare Systems, represented Think 20 Italy at the G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial meeting that was held in Catania.
G20 Ministers received from Professor Boeri the preliminary policy recommendations that have emerged by the Policy Briefs submitted to the Task Force so far. Enhancing education and skills to fight poverty and social exclusion, regulating remote working to increase productivity and well-being, empowering women and the youth to ensure a smooth and equitable access to the labour market, strengthening cross-country policy coordination to use taxation as a lever to tackle economic inequalities: these are just a few of the proposals by the T20, which are included in the statement produced by the Task Force.
Please read the document below. These recommendations will be further expanded and strengthened as the T20 community finalises the Policy Briefs in view of the final summit of the T20, scheduled on 4-6 October.